Saturday, May 07, 2005

Coco-the-Cocker-Spaniel, 本名趙安可,字小胖,小名Puppy, 外號巨嬰Coco, 生於民國八十二年四月十六日,自幼貪圖榮華富貴,好吃嗜睡,不學無術,隨地大小便,擅於察顏觀色,一招半式橫行無阻,是一隻為所欲為的壞小狗, 但是...太可愛了.

At age 15, Coco had heart disease, tumor, aging problem, not able to rise and sleep-awake cycle alternation (dog’s Alzheimer).

He was very sick from Dec. 30 2008. Vet suggested put him in sleep on Jan 7, 2009. His owner just couldn’t do it and wanted to follow his will. He passed away on Jan. 17,2009 by natural causes, heart failure. It is heartbreaking experience for his owner. The owner still can’t get over it. He entered into owner's life for 15 years and 8 months and became center of family, still and forever.

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